our internal guidance, protection and Sensing System : Intuition

Did you know a black woman, Glays West was a huge contributor to the invention of the GPS? No. Well it’s just a fact.

What I really want to talk about is your internal GPS system. Guidance and Protection Sensing System aka your Intuition. Your inner knowing.

Recently, I have been asked about how you can tell the difference between your intuition and your egoic mind. I want to share with you how. Intuition is the calm voice. The soft voice, it’s not loud or demanding. It’s chill and clear. It may at times make you feel puzzled. I dont know why im being told this but okay. or even slightly uncomfortable because it may be something new. Once you practice listening to and following your intuition, it will become more comfortable and clear.

In contrast the egoic mind is usually very loud and critical. It has an element of binary thinking. It’s either this or that. It is very alarming at times and fearful. It is based sometimes of external judgments turned inward. The critical, guilty or shaming voice or narrative. Also, this voice may seem familiar. This voice can be quite harsh and rigid. The egoic mind will use past information that has happened and try to convince you that the past is the present moment. The egoic mind is our survival system, but not our thriving system.

Our intuition helps us to thrive, not just live mindlessly from past experience or future worries. Intuition is are best friend and highest self. It will always have the most growth centered perspective, one that expands our view of ourselves, others and the world we are connected too. If you have any questions, feel free to comment or email me.

Be love,


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