An Artist’s Way group

Would you like to cultivate your creative life? This is a group for anyone who wants to experience and expand their creativiry and community. If you would like to participate, let me know.

We will meet virtually and check in together in a Facebook group I make, so you can participate when YOU have time. Each week, I’ll post a short video with reflection questions and creative prompts each week. I will add tidbits of body centered activities (ie…breathing techniques, guided visualizations, etc.) to help people also bring peace to the body and mind, which aids the ability to be in a calm creative state.

We will start Monday, July 15 and our last session will be Oct 7, 2024. You will need to purchase the book, it can be found at many major booksellers and on Amazon.

About the Artists Way…The Artist’s Way is a 12-week course that helps people unlock their capacity for creativity — whether in art, at work, or in life. At its core, it’s a great practice to access more delight, curiosity, and creative inquiry within your daily life. If you have questions, you can email me @ or leave a question in the comments.

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