Intention, Intuition & Inspiration.

by Ellen S. Wright, LMFT (6.16.24)

I have entered a new chapter and phase of my life. I’ve meditated on what I feel this new chapter will be about and I have settled on…abundance and cultivation. The last 11 years of my life have been extremely challenging. I have dealt with a lot of trauma, stress, strain and disappointment. Through this period, I learned and remembered who I truly am. I allowed myself to be led by my intuition, my highest and wisest self. Before I became a mother, I did not realize the true nature of love or the importance of honoring my inner wisdom. My time in Hawai’i helped me to dissolve a lot of unhelpful egoic thoughts to truly be able to empathize with myself and see my true capabilities. For a large part of the time living on the island, I learned how to listen to the generous, compassionate and kind inner voice rather than a judgmental or shamed based voice. This re-connection to love is why I am most proud of my time in Hawai’i Nei (beloved Hawai’i).

Seven years ago, I moved back to Hawai’i from a brief period living in Virginia while my son was a baby and toddler. When I moved back to Oah’u, I started from scratch and literally had only 7 bags and $700 when I arrived. Everything fell apart when I moved back to the island. I lost a job opportunity I had secured before I left Virginia. People who had promised to help me did not and I ended up homeless on the beach with my son for two nights. Eventually, the Universe swooped in and I started to learn the nature of active creation of abundance. A friend gave us a temporary home. I found a job. I succeeded professionally. I did not date or go out. I experienced huge challenges with childcare and my son’s education. I basically was raising my son on my own and going to work. I lost people, my Mom died and some friendships died too. I was betrayed by a good friend. I left a job I loved. I was very sick, several times, even having a second pulmonary embolism and chronic anemia, while parenting solo. Often, I felt profoundly alone. Yet, I was not. The Universe/Source/Great Spirit, my ancestors and angels were with me. Over those 7 years, I learned that I could do things I never thought I could do. I could support myself and be my own best friend and learn how to be best friends with the Universe. This meant learning to listen and HEED my own connection to the divine, my intuition.  

I can say that I came up with a magic formula that I want to share with everyone. I learned that to be my best friend I needed to listen to love and not my fear. I began by setting intentions. At the beginning of the year, I set an intention to set down roots and to start creating The Journey Healing Center & Nature School. I also set the intention to live in greater connection with others while being at peace. Once I set these intentions (and even made a vision board) I then learned how to listen to my intuition. This part is where I was getting stuck while I was struggling. I would say that I wanted to listen to my intuition, but I was too afraid to really listen to it. When I first received the intuitive guidance to move back to Virginia, it was not what I wanted to do. For several months I debated moving and then on the first of the year, I knew I needed to heed that inner knowing, even though, at the time, it scared me to think of what that would do to my comfortable Hawai’i life.  As challenging as Hawai’i was for me this last go around, it also is such a beautiful and safe place.

Moving my life, my practice and my child across an ocean and continent seemed like an impossible task. However, knew I needed to trust my intuition and the voice of love, versus my fear. Next, and lastly I learned how to be actively inspired. Inspiration is not passive. I realized that it is very active and involves me following through on intuitive hits. Every step I took towards moving to Virginia was supported and celebrated. Inspiration is like that!  On one instance, while I was packing and overwhelmed by how much stuff I had to sell, give away or trash, I was inspired to tell a postal worker that I had items to give away. At the time, it did not make sense for me to share this information with a total stranger, but as soon as I did, she told me she needed things! Alignment! This wonderful woman ended up being one of the main people I gave things to and we were laughing the whole time. She was blessed and so was I. Inspiration usually also benefits as many people as it can, so that is why it is important to listen to the inspiration. In the process of moving, I had several alignments like this experience. Following inspiration is like following breadcrumbs to the fulfillment of the intention. Along this journey, I recognized that following my intuition does not necessarily mean there will not be initial fear, but walking through the fear and following guidance is the way.

My new chapter will include more of my magic formula. I am so tremendously grateful to have come from a deep nadir and really get to know who I am and what I want to create in the future. My time in Hawai’i taught me that I could create a different life for myself, and that life does not have to include struggle anymore. I can ask, trust and be inspired to act. I choose peace, alignment, love, nature and joy regardless of external circumstances. I have found that within me I carry these qualities and can cultivate them at any time. Here’s to more dreams coming true and intentions blooming.

Be love,


June 16, 2024

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